Dear Friend:
Are you vexed to the point that you’re saying “this dream is never going to happen?”
Or maybe so vexed that you are saying “I will never lose this weight, never stop smoking, never stop drinking, never stop being angry, never have a good relationship with my mom, dad, sister, brother, friend, co-worker, or boss….”
Samson had promised God he would not tell anyone about where his strength came from, including his wife Delilah. Samson’s enemies wanted very much to find out where his secret strength came from. So they approached Delilah and offered her money to find out his secret. Delilah, day after day, was relentless trying to get the secret out of Samson. Finally Samson was worn down and the bible says “Samson was vexed to death.”
Vexed-irritate, annoyed. He gave in and told and ultimately ended up dead.
We can get so vexed that we give up! Is that your temptation?
Jesus tells the apostles before he goes to the cross ““Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
Let’s pray: Father in heaven my flesh is weak I want to give up on………….. Help me. In Jesus name. Amen.
You don’t have to give up on things; God gave you a spirit to help.
Love from Above,