Tuesday, October 17, 2023


I remember... 

the time I got asked to tell my testimony to my friend's neighbors. It was a small gathering in her home during the Christmas season. Just a note...it is a perfect time of year to tell your coming to faith story.

She gave me a book with suggestions of how to put my story together. 

I remember...

taking a speech class in high school that was distinctly very fun for me. It stood out enough that I thought I like doing this.

I remember...

being chosen to be Mary in the all school pageant when I was in third grade. It was such an honor. I could not believe it.

I remember...

creating skits in my backyard with my sisters and friends. I loved doing that. The creativity flowed.

I remember...

asking my mom to sign me up to be in a play through the local park district. When we got there for the first meeting, the play got cancelled. It took alot of courage to sign-up. So much so that I never tried it again.

When I said yes to the first "I remember" on this list, funny thing, I did not remember the I remembers of the past.

I just said "yes". I knew the importance of sharing my story from studying the bible and realizing how it can make a difference in other peoples lives.

Why am I telling you all this...

I am studying Exodus and the story of Moses. God prepared him to be able to be the leader to help free the Israelites.

Moses resisted and felt terribly unqualified, yet He did it! God truly was patient to lead Moses. His love is so big.

I went on to do a Christmas Gathering annually for fourteen years. They got bigger and it required much more planning each year, but I had help and support to keep me going.

Friends, I am telling you this story with tears in my eyes, hoping I would encourage others to just walk out what God is calling you to do.

I remember...

when someone in my childhood said, "She will always need help." I took that to mean I can't do anything on my own, don't even try. You will always be dependent on others.

I remember...

when someone said, "She is just so sensitive."

I remember...

when someone said, "She is not a leader, she is not organized."

These last four "remembers' were always used negatively for me trying or doing. Like going away to college or finishing my degree. 

But when I met Jesus he was someone that I believed would lead me and with Him "I Can"!

You know I now say, "Thank you" to those someone's who said you're sensitive, disorganized, not a leader, helpless! 

Those all were qualifications God used to give me courage to say "Yes" to serve Him. 

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. To me this means that I am sensitive in a good way. I recognize my weaknesses and accept them. I am willing to ask for help. I am willing to get help and delegate. Those that can not delegate or let go and let God miss out. Miss out on seeing God first hand. Just as Moses did. He witnessed the bush burning but it really did not disinagrate.

Paul went on to say, "When I am weak He is strong."

My weakness would make me qualified. God is like ok, your listening. 

A youth leader in my town said to me after a prayer vigil we planned, "You are such a good leader." I was like like no I'm not, God is!

He did this prayer vigil in town, I just listened.

When God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Whatever the "it" is!


Just believe and walk. I was humbled by the voices that said I was weak, but God used that to give me strength to do things I can not even imagine.

I guess what I'm saying is we must pay attention to past and remember that God has been qualifying you all along. You are qualified to lead, even though you did not have leader training. All that we have to do is walk it out.

He who began a work in us will carry it on to completion. Phil. 1:6

Blessed are those who listen.

I am not a hero, I am a follower of Christ.