A e-mail from my long time art teacher dated 1/7/25. subject line in the email: No, I"m not dead, but I was buried...!
Dear Friends:
As I mentioned in the above email subject
line,"No, I didn't die or fall off the face of the earth, but I was ( and
still am) buried under exactly 324 boxes that we've had to keep walking around
, pile up in a corner, trip over, or sit on top of to eat our meals.
We brought and packed way too much furniture
and "stuff" from our 2800 sq. Ft. home in Illinois to our only 1700
sq. ft. new home in Tennessee. So far I've broken the hanging rods in two
closets by overloading them with clothes and more boxes. I guess people
in Tn. aren't used to having very big wardrobes with lots of heavy winter coats
& boots - otherwise, they would have built bigger and stronger closets!
My husband and I were also led to believe the
Tennessee climate would be a lot more balmy and milder than Illinois -- so far,
we've had rain, freezing rain, snow and 17 degrees tonight. So much for
"balmy"! Although, I must admit, the few days that were mild (
50's) and sunny, we're very pleasant.
We just got our internet, e-mail, and T.V. set up this evening by the Xfinity technician, so this message to all of you is my first email message that I've sent to anyone from our new location. I had intentions of sending everyone Christmas cards showing my new address, but this overwhelming and all-consuming moving process that's still not over, has stolen any normal Christmas or family time from us ( we never even had time to buy any of our grandchildren any gifts or each other). We missed Christmas entirely ( except for church services!). Luckily, the church is only about 5 minutes from our house.
So, none of you received a Christmas card from me like I had planned, but you are getting this e-mail greeting instead. I hope all of you had a better Christmas and Happy New Year! When we get more packing boxes out of our house and can get back to some normalcy, I hope to email more often to see how everyone is doing with their artwork.
My response:
God you are there and safe! Sounds like the true meaning of Christmas was upon
you. Moving just like Mary and Joseph, Jesus entered the world. Not with cards,
presents and all the worlds Christmas materialism but simple, with peace but
YET difficult circumstances. A perfect example of that little families life way
back in Jesus beginnings. What a blessing for you to experience love, new home
and new beginnings. Peace is truly upon you both. A sense of what truly
needed to be done (the move) and no matter how difficult it is, the peace
upon you both to know it needed to happen! As we both know our strength, energy
and life come from the Holy Spirit leading us to get daily things done in His
time and His power.
on the story of Jesus birth and you realize how blessed you are that this past
Christmas was very different from others but fruitful!
I am
grateful you wrote us a quick note in the midst of your chaos but it’s sounds
like organized chaos. Especially if you know there are 324 boxes!
Seems like He’s got you just where He wants you. You are in His hands. Because like the song, HE’S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS! My prayer is you will continue to see the light of the Holy Spirit making a new path with all the strength, power, understanding, knowledge, love, wisdom, clarity, peace, gratefulness and hope to complete this task before you! He is a promisekeeper!
Two verses come to my mind right now, Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with
all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways
acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.” Philippians 1:6 “He who
began a work in you will carry it onto completion.”
a wonderful God we serve!
more delightful Jesus sightings stories I like to call Godcidences, from you. Looking forward to corresponding!
love from above,
e-mail response dated 1-18-25 THANKS FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT
Sorry I wasn't able to get back to you sooner,
but our email service, wifi, home phones, T.V., etc. all went down just two
days after it got connected. The Xfinity guy has been here three times so
far to reconnect it.
Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your always
inspiring words. The way this whole move to Tn. came about has been very
amazing. It seems like God has been leading and directing us with every
step -- some of the many situations over these past few hectic months seem to
have been miraculously handled by Him time & time again with some ultimate
plan in mind. So I'm very excited to find out who He wants us to meet
here or what he wants us to accomplish.
I think it is safe to say that I shared these letters because it really helps us all see that your stories similar to this is important.
Acts 17:28 "For in Him we live and move and have our being, As some of your own poets have said, "We are His offspring!"
Love that verse! We each have our stories.