while he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”
Dear Friend:
Picture going to the zoo and visiting the monkeys that are caged, aren’t they always loud and chattering? You can’t think straight. I heard a therapist recently tell a client “You have to stop the monkey chatter in your mind.”The same thing can happen in our minds so we must find a way to block that “monkey chatter.”
We need a buffer to block out any distractions from our circumstances, electronics and busyness.
Jesus took Peter, James and John up high on a mountain to be alone. Jesus was getting them away from the monkey chatter. Do you have trouble with the monkey chatter in your head? If yes, maybe you’re asking, what can I do about it?
First we must find a place to be alone. You don’t have to be all alone; in this case Jesus led the four of them to a quiet place.
When we gather to be alone it is essential to pray. Remember you’re in the presence of God and finally be willing to listen. What is holding you back from meeting with God regularly? Monkey chatter can include all the excuses as to why, where and how you will meet with God. Do you have a place? Do you have some people who would meet with you? If not, who can you think of that would? Start picturing in your mind your place, time and with whom you will meet.
You know if you have a commute to work maybe right in your car is the place and time. I have a good daily devotional that is less than a minute. I can start my car sit, read and then go. As I drive you can put praise music on and think about what you just read. Good praise music talks about God and how wonderful He is and also invites you to be more like Him. Here is a song I love.
Click on #4 Sacredly Holding (listen to them all but I really like #4)
What an experience Peter, James and John had. Don’t you wish you could have been there? I think it would have been awesome! Monkey chatter in our heads can become a bad habit but the good news is its reversible.
Let’s pray: Father help me to find time to be alone with you. In Jesus name. Amen
Stop the Monkey Chatter.
Elaine James | Create Your Badge
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