My daughters and I were driving through the park when suddenly we saw in the distance the picture below. I stopped. It really felt surreal. We all thought we were imagining things. At first we noticed the sky and thought there is a storm in the distance. Then we saw a faint rainbow. The expanse of the area was so mammoth this photo could not do it justice. we all agreed something supernatural was occurring. There were three rainbows at one time. they were faint but they were there. i was like we have to capture this! but the rainbows were faint. i actually asked at one point "God is this like a personal show for us?" Within seconds the rainbows got so bold and brighter in color. ugh! we have to capture this! well as you can see we did not capture in photo. But as we drove away we each commented that this is forever etched in our heart and minds. FOREVER! Things like this do not happen everyday. But i don't know about you i really needed this in my life. a moment of reassurance of the promises God made to me. He is alive! he lives! Have you gotten to the place in life where you just feel empty? like you ask yourself what is going on? I have been? but then this happened.God watching over us. it's like he saying "make me the center of your life. i will make sense of things that don't make sense. just hang in there. wait. you will see." I never regret waiting. never. because when he is the center then this occurs and i have no doubt he is here with me.
the bible has accounts just like mine. take for instant shadrach, meshach and abednego going in the fire and the king asks "there is four in the fire, who is the fourth?" Penticost, The Transfiguration - Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. While he was in prayer, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became blinding white. At once two men were there talking with him. They turned out to be Moses and Elijah—and what a glorious appearance they made!
What does all this mean? Stop asking why is this happening to me in life and ask a new question "Does God really exist and if so does He love me? Show me God." The answer is in the photo below. He loves me and cares, I just got to hang in there. Skeptics. I hate when others think my story is overspiritualizing. i say don't read the bible then. the bible has supernatural stories full of supernatural unexplainable accounts. but that is the beauty of God. He is God. He can do anything. He wants to show-up for all us. He fills me with hope. He gives me the faith to believe. He gives me grace to continue on. Next time your down, look around. Miracles occur all around you. A baby. Someone smiling at you. A rainbow. Focus on something to be grateful for. That's what keeps me going. I would love to hear God accounts from you. Anybody got any?

the bible has accounts just like mine. take for instant shadrach, meshach and abednego going in the fire and the king asks "there is four in the fire, who is the fourth?" Penticost, The Transfiguration - Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. While he was in prayer, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became blinding white. At once two men were there talking with him. They turned out to be Moses and Elijah—and what a glorious appearance they made!
What does all this mean? Stop asking why is this happening to me in life and ask a new question "Does God really exist and if so does He love me? Show me God." The answer is in the photo below. He loves me and cares, I just got to hang in there. Skeptics. I hate when others think my story is overspiritualizing. i say don't read the bible then. the bible has supernatural stories full of supernatural unexplainable accounts. but that is the beauty of God. He is God. He can do anything. He wants to show-up for all us. He fills me with hope. He gives me the faith to believe. He gives me grace to continue on. Next time your down, look around. Miracles occur all around you. A baby. Someone smiling at you. A rainbow. Focus on something to be grateful for. That's what keeps me going. I would love to hear God accounts from you. Anybody got any?
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