Pause for this fact: Americans consume 400 million cups of coffee per day making the United States the leading consumer of coffee in the world. Proud american fact, not! I hope you understand that I am not against coffee or about to get on my soap box. Just think of the feeling of expectation (for a cup of coffee) when we drive-thru or get out of our car, wait in a line, order and then drink. All for the exorbitant price of 3 to 5 dollars.
(Are we paying this much attention to the One who promises to replenish us and fill us every day no matter what? Seriously, FREE REFILLS!)
I liken this experience to my reading the bible. Ok, hang in there with me for a moment. You know, you get your favorite mug the one with the perfect handle, perfect size, perfect portion, perfect feel and weight. I pour and then it happens, the taste is amazing and it is bliss! When I start reading the bible my cup is sometimes empty and slowly as I read, the words pour into my body, mind and soul. I wish I could put words to it. I flourish! Sometimes I have to read the passage three times. But then it happens the rich bold taste of the word convicts me. I get stuck on a phrase or word, person, observation of the writer; something powerful happens to me. Like I said it's bold. You know many of us need our coffee daily, our mind and body say so! I don't feel weird admitting that I need the word daily just as I feel the need for coffee. I know the benefits, the promises and the strength I receive from it. I am jolted every time. It helps! I'm talking about the word now. It can get intertwined. They seem to have the same effect. I call out "Help!" feeling hopeless, but I am not. The promises come to mind. I must understand them.
The word supplies these truths:
God is who He says He is.
I am who God says Iam.
God can do what He says He can do.
I can do all things through Christ.
God's word is alive and active in me.
Can you understand these 5 points with confidence? Do you know where they are in scripture? These are essential elements to fill your cup to the brim! In fact, let it over flow!
Pray with me:
Lord you are the caffeine I need each day. Help me find time to fill myself with you. The reward is power, love and sound mind. Thank you. In Jesus name, Amen.
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Big prizes ahead if you do!
A comment from a special friend in response to this article:
"Prayed the prayer filling my day with the word & can't wait to add to my reward card via journaling!"
1 comment:
Love the coffee art “My Lord & My Latte!” Prayed the prayer filling my day with the word & cant wait to add to my reward card via my newly inspired art journaling. Yeah!
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