Sunday, June 23, 2024


 Why so offended so easily?

Praying about the quick triggers we get when someone snaps at us and then we react so quick to defend.

Think about when this happens and you feel down after you have responded just as bad as the accuser.

Let's pray now;  Lord give me a response if this happens again,  Holy Spirit give the words for next time.

In Jesus name I feel that you can change my response because you say I am able to be transformed. Help me. Amen

The Lord is so gracious and exceedingly abundantly wanting to help.

This is the rich life that God promises us. Not materialism but rich inner works that produce good fruit.

It's a process, give yourself a break.

I am reminded today that each verse or song that comes to my mind is from the Holy Spirit and it is so rich to go to them asap. When ever a I put a song on repeat that the Spirit led me to always and I mean always is a rich blessing. That verse emboldens me and gives me new outlook, strength. Today the song is  GIVE THANKS, by Steffany Gretzinger, Melissa Helser.

The verse, "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in the newness of life." Romans 6:4 KJV 

I focused on "walking in the newness of life." A gift!


Never want a humans love as much as you want the creators love. His love is perfect and unconditional. 

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