Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 "I loved the way you handled your daughter", stated the woman with such compassion. I was standing in a parking lot and had to run and grab her. She wasn't really aware that a car was coming. My heart was racing and a part of me felt like screaming at her but I was able to stop and grab, hug her and explain to her what to do in a parking lot. Thus the reason the lady reacted with such a nice response.

Earlier I felt as if I'm not a good mom, having weak moments of stinking thinking. I was praying about this and what an answer to prayer. To me this was an encounter. I saw Jesus using the situation to help me see that I do handle things and that with Him I can be a good mom. These encounters are part of the emblem on my armor it speaks volumes to me. You know the saying speaks volumes, it makes an opinion, characteristic, or situation very clear, without the use of words.

God does make our path straight and clearer when He is involved in our lives.

Do you see it in your life?

Another story, my daughter had been saying her hair was not right, she wasn't happy about her image. We were checking out at a register and the cashier a young girl her age unexpectedly said, "I really like your hair it is so cute." My daughter lit up with delight. A stranger that was her age liked her hair. I call this an encounter! It spoke volumes to her. A gift to confirm that she is good the way God designed her.

Does that ever happen to you?

I'm unsure about a outfit I picked for the banquet and a person says that's a perfect outfit for today. A nudge of confidence and assurance pushed me to be ok. I believe God gives us small encounters to keep us going?

What do you think? If you haven't experienced them, pray about it! 

It helps to see the Lord in the mundane.

Some mornings I lay in bed and say, God I don't feel like getting out of bed, help me. I do my small devo and then I ask again for the Holy Spirit to lead me. Then I even say I am going to get out of bed and just lead me and guide me to what to do next.

I pray thank you for this bed, (I  make it), I change my clothes praying, thank you for these clothes, I wash my face and brush my teeth, thank you for water, soap, toothpaste. Each moment builds on itself and I am gaining energy. Continuing, I make a cup of coffee, put on my Christian radio 90.1 FM moody radio. MY day is off and things begin to unfold, I think I will go get ingredients to cook soup and then I move toward that. It is with peace and Holy Spirit strength I am led and I believe I am doing what the Spirit leads me. It is invigorating!

Friends do you just ask the Holy Spirit to bring you strength in the mundane?


You are covered in the Holy Spirit all the days! Continuous prayer seals the deal!

Believe and receive this message.

Simple but true!

He is in it all!

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