Monday, October 23, 2017


Standing in a market place, she appeared before me. "I am writing a paper and I need to interview someone", she blurts out. This is a young about 16 year old girl who proceeds to ask me "What are you doing in Boston?" My favorite question.

I was in Boston telling my faith story to four groups. The girls continued on by asking me to tell her my faith story. I graciously told the story to her, when I got to the end I asked her if she has a faith story. She said as a matter of fact I do and she shares her story with me.


I can't explain what it is like to be standing in a market square, 928 miles away from my home and be able to tell my faith story. I can say "Only God." Oh I forgot to mention that a young man overheard the story and it opened up conversation with Him. We, the young girl and I, encouraged Him to seek out this guy name Jesus and explore a relationship with Him. We both reassured Him that it will radically change his life. He briefly mentioned that he doesn't know about this "religion stuff". I said good, because I am not talking about religion but about relationship.

Friends, Jesus last commission said to go out and train everyone you meet, I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to till the end of age (Matt. 28:20 MSG).

Surprise! You never know what a day will bring. Go forward, pray, God's got your back forever and ever. Amen.

A gift! Celebrate!

Monday, October 9, 2017


Charting my weekly schedule by every 1/2 hour is tedious. Have you ever done the excercise of charting time to see where you spend it? Personal, leisure, friends, family, health, work, volunteer, and church.

Here's a question. Do you think Jesus is concerned about time and how we steward it?
If yes, what reason do you have to believe that?

Jesus said, "Seek first".
That is an indication that Jesus helps us prioritize.