Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Over twenty of these are hanging all over my house.

Struggles are real!

Make a list of the struggles.
A list of things you want someone to just stop giving you advice about, stop telling you to get over it, a list of what if's, a list that you want someone to just say "It's going to be okay!!"

Put the list somewhere safe.
Put an alert on your phone for 30 days.
Open the list up.
Look it over. Reflect.
What happened in those 30 days?
Can you write next to each point-
It was okay
it was okay
it was okay
it was okay
Can I get a shout out?! Sometimes we just need someone to say the most comforting words, "It's going to be okay!"
Next to some of your points you may write well it didn't end up the way I would like to say, "It's okay!", but that is okay too!
Am I making sense?
More time wasted, stressed out, is less timing being fully present with others.

Jesus cares about your time, your body, your mind, your soul and your strength!
He really cares.
He wants to be a provider, care taker, healer, refuge

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.

If you are not confident that God can handle some things. Talk to Him about that. He will take the time to you BUILD UP to gaining so He gains your confidence.

Pray:  God help me to go to you with my mess. Help me to trust you. Help me to know things are going to be okay. Amen.

Now just tell someone today, "It's going to be okay!" No advice just reassurance.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


"This is a marination song. Marination song is a song that does not have a lot of content, but when repeated over and over it gets absorbed in your mind and soul," explained the worship leader. I googled, marination song, asking, is this a made up thing by the singer or did he get it from another source. It was not a headline topic but there was a comment made, marinating, implies listening to a series of a songs or song that reflections your current mood.

I personally think when I look at raw chicken...boring, blah...! I have no appetite for it! Yuck! I would skip cooking that chicken...get lazy and grab for fast food. BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!

Googling marinate:  marinating 101 popped on my news feed. One of the easiest ways to flavor food is to marinate it. Depending on the meat it can take from one hour to a overnight soak to really get the meat to absorb the flavor. You know when you savor the taste of marinated meat; it is oh so good. One chef would say the longer it is marinated the better it would taste. Yum, yum, give me that marinated chicken.

I love this analogy! A marination song! What is your marination song? Lately, for me, the new worship song called  Reckless Love. I take each word into consideration. Absorb it! Let it marinate! It comes from "But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you'll have it forever, real and eternal" (John 12:25 MSG).
To really marinate it I look up the scripture in other versions. Then I paraphrase it (absorb it) so I can relate it to me.  Here's what I came up with:  If I love  a worldly life on earth it will eventually just end in death. That's it! But if If I let the worldly go, and I fall in reckless love with Jesus I gain a new life perspective, where I become concerned with pleasing God, in essence I gain deeper meaning (zest for life all with Jesus) and will keep that meaning with me for all eternity.

The song really wants us to understand, no matter what God will chase after us for always. Is God foolish or irresponsible to leave 99 sheep to go find the lost one? He risks it all! That kind of reckless love is amazing, enduring, confident, trusting, passionate, and steadfast. We become doesn't always make sense...but we follow it.

Pray with me:  God please give me some of that reckless love so I have it for others. Amen.

Find your marination song, savor the joy you receive from it!

Sunday, November 26, 2017


While riding my bike or driving , I see all around me, many of the leaves didn't complete their cycle of life. Piles and piles of green leaves when in the past years they would be bright orange or yellow.

I had taken some pictures showing an example of this.

Interestingly, I did a visit to someone who died the next day and then at the same time relating the beauty of leaves to our lives. Our lives at the end is fully ripe like a beautiful fall leave and then life ends. But why are some many leaves on my path and streets fully green and falling in great piles.

Is that a metaphor to all the crime and shootings going on recently? People taken from this earth early without preparation. It is disturbing. Yet, the green leaves are beautiful. They still did not seem ready.

That brings me to a verse that keeps popping up where I go.
Listen carefully:  Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you'll have it forever, real an eternal.

Letting go...reckless in your love

The choice is to focus on what you see and let it take your thoughts away and you imagine things or just think about the things from above, reckless in love. Waiting for things to be revealed on earth day by day praying for God to take over. It's like, "Jesus take the wheel. Jesus, really take the wheel. I don't want to drive. I don't like to drive. Really, Jesus take the wheel. Take my thoughts, my circumstances, my life and drive."

I suppose that is what kept Paul sane while he was in prison. He was missing those he loved outside. Yet, he could still write to them and He had a inner voice telling Him that everything He did counted. Counted for Jesus. No matter where he was, He was with Jesus and He was serving Jesus. What about you? Getting my head in Jesus game and staying focused on Him. He will run things. He will work things out. How do you feel about that? I feel refreshed. He restored. Like "Everything will be okay!"

Throwing all caution to the wind...lost in my reckless love.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Some days I need to be reminded who is in charge of the universe and that I am not on an island alone.  (Thank goodness, I'm not in charge.) Reflection: an essential tool for learning. I feel compelled to share what the Apostle Paul has taught the Philippians and I about the sovereignty of God. Philippians being one of the first churches Paul establishes in Europe was near and dear to his heart. He was longing to see them, yet he was imprisoned and standing trial in Rome. You know how precious and how excited you are to be around something you established.

Paul tells us to, "Stand firm, stand together, for the faith of the gospel, and have no fear" or in modern day words "Don't flinch!" Next he reminds us to go to the cross for this strength.
"God made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. He humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on the cross! Therefore God, exalted him to the highest place of honor (please don't miss this, JESUS is exalted to the highest place of honor) and gave Him the name that is above every name."

As I read this story,  I picture myself  going to the cross, kneeling, and bowing my head, I CAN'T FLINCH!
I am frozen (like Elsa, from the movie Frozen!) but it is peaceful. All of the healing I need in my body, mind, and soul occur there. I regain my vision for who God is and I am renewed, free to get up and carry on.

You may want to a moment of silence...remember Jesus exalted to the highest place of honor(allow a minute or so to pass...perhaps reflecting on the cross...go to and find the song At the Cross, Chris Tomlin...close your eyes and rest)

Now continue on praying as Paul prayed for Philippi:

I pray that my love will flourish and that I will not only love much, but well. Learn to love appropriately. I need to use my head and test my feelings so that my love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover's life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of :  bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God. Amen  (Phil. 1:9-11).

I have regained perspective. I can close for now with this:  Peace I leave you. Amen.

You really can't flinch at the foot of the cross, try it!

Sunday, November 12, 2017


The picture I drew of the winter wonderland landscape was done. The title...mmm...O Holy Night.
Mariah Carey plays in my head. What a beautiful song. The choir hums...A thrill of hope...Oh, night divine.

Imagine standing in a field and the angel appeared...of course we know what happens...but just look up one night alone...look at the sky at the huge star that lights it up (the glory of the Lord)...that divine night.

Our tired, work-out, sin sick body, needs this baby. Do you realize the ramifications of this baby being born? Gracious!

Mariah, tells us to fall on our knees...hear the angel voice...cried out do not be afraid...then suddenly a host of angels appear praising God...and then it happened......the child was extraordinary baby...laying in a lowly place.

I suggest you play the song and read this magnificent Christmas story (Lk. 2:8-20).

A new and glorious revival of the heart. Revive our hearts oh God, we need more of you and less of the hectic.

Prepare your heart...Yes, it was divine!

Well we have to go...go see for ourselves!

We fall short of the standard of our glorious Father. Get the grime off, be cleansed.

I was at camp and the at the field games everyone was filled with mud, but they all cleaned up pretty well too! WOW!

Things get messy on our insides too, like jealousy, craving what someone else has, critical of others, and talking bad about someone.  Just like those kids, we can all get cleaned up, Jesus gets the grime out of us.
Pray:  Father in heaven help me...I need you Forgive me. Thank you. Amen.

Saturday, November 11, 2017


With such love and compassion they were saying their good-byes. They sat with her till she took her last breath. Oh God, what words can you comfort them with? Knowing God was with us, I recited Psalm 23. The words of this amazing Psalm never gets old, Our shepherd is with us, as we walk through the darkest valley, He comforts, we will dine with Him (think about dining with Jesus), goodness and love follow us on earth, and when we take our last breath we will dwell, in the house of the Lord. 
In John 11, Jesus arrives to raise Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus already was dead for four days. Jesus grieved and wept with Lazarus' sisters, Mary and Martha, he felt their pain. Jesus had real human emotions. He grieved with them. Let us imagine this great miracle. Jesus shouted "Father, thank you for hearing me. (He thanked God first!) You always hear me (He points out God always hears.), but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here (At the end of life God is concerned for the souls of the living and the dead . Think about that when planning a memorial service.), so that they will believe you sent me. Lazarus, come out!" (Jn. 11:40-43)

Daily we swirl around in a dance of  love, sorrow, and peace.

At end of life situations what else could we need? Really everyday.
Our strong shepherd, picture it, His job is take care of His sheep (We are His sheep.). If one of us wanders, He goes to any length to bring them back into the fold. 

The comforting words of Christ "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27).

Before a leave dies,
it is beautiful. God gives each of us His light and beauty on earth and then we return to our Father in heaven. Let us rest assured that as children of God, He gives us peace. Sometimes we could be in a conflict and yet we have a peace. Do you know what I mean?

Let us pray:  Father take my worries (name them), direct my path, thank you for your peace. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Dancing with peace!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


"If you cannot say no, then you are not in charge of your time. You've given that right to whoever wants to interrupt you. This is not a friendship based on equality. True friends will respect your wishes. You don't have to apologize for being in charge of your life. It's okay to say no. Give up the need for excuses. Don't assume that you have to explain or defend your response. Saying no for your own reasons is often enough."

Hi Friends:

Do you ever have trouble saying no to people.

I saw these quotes in a  Becoming a Master Student , (Ellis, D. 2015e), book. I think in this new generation that discovery, intention, action and success helps us form new habits, and skills with the idea to consistently get what we want out of life.

Taking care of yourself is not mean or being a bad Christian.