Saturday, September 14, 2019


Showering at the park district pool at the same time I was trying to pray and reflect on Jesus. I call it resting my soul. Then it happened!
A song in the air...what a beautiful name...
I'm like the next word is Jesus...sure enough...filling the whole locker room was a very nice rendition of the worship song by Hillsong Worship-What a Beautiful Name...
I began to sing it with her in a whisper. I wasn't going to attempt to try and keep myself on key. For just one moment I thought it would be cool to join in and let her know I was there. It was heavenly. I finally checked around to see if this was real. The person did not see me. I think she thought the locker was empty, but it continued. A gift.
Never saw her and got to talk with her.

Ask yourself does that scripture hold true in Romans 1:20, stating, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

I see Him in all things. A precious baby born this past week. A little girl, welcomed into the world. She was a 1% baby. Meaning her parents were given a 1% chance of conceiving a baby. !%! They had been trying for years. Did the medical stuff! and the final word from that Doctor was, 1% chance.

Well Jesus had the last word in their lives....

I'm believing each day in the small. MY PLATE IS FULL! Therefore, as I run around and taking time to rest. I need my sweet Jesus. I know He is present...but this is my personal relationship with the creator who wants me to have fun! Fun!, by a person showing up randomly and singing His praises...a taste of heaven...a boost for the day... way way better than a protein power bar!
The name of Jesus.

I can't make this stuff up!

When I think...or even attempt to say...I can't...HE CAN!

Is your plate full?

You can do all things with Christ. You can see Him in the midst.
Men of the bible in John 1:35 saw Jesus. They recognized, turned around, and started to follow Him...Jesus said, "What do you want?" They replied, "Where are you staying?" 
Jesus replied, "Come, and you will SEE!"

We can see Him in the small mundane life.
Please remember this today.
Jesus can never be interrupted. You Never bother Him. JESUS ALWAYS HAS TIME FOR YOU.

Reflect:  In life the people always...feel as if you are interrupting them, bugging them, (after all they have full plates).
Jesus NEVER feels that way.
Go ahead!
Interrupt Him any time.

He loves you! He is there for you!

Another story:
Been drawing elephants like crazy for a project I am doing. Out of the blue my three year old grandson (he doesn't know about my project, but Jesus does!) As we are drawing on a white board He says, "Oma, draw an elephant!" I reply, "Of course you asked me to draw an ELEPHANT.

Only God.
It meant alot.
Many times I think unhelpful thoughts like, "You can't do anything." Jesus responds by asking me to draw for my grandson what He has commissioned me to do draw a His creature and Elephant. One of the most compassionate and memorable animals God created. If you do the research they cling to those they love for life. They never forget. They have a great memory of others who are kind and they respond to them for LIFE!

Of course...ONLY GOD... do you believe.
Don't be a skeptic. That diminishes the love and passion God wants to give you!

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