Monday, December 7, 2015


As I prepare for Christmas a battle begins.

What's the battle you ask?

The battle is being materialistic vs. what really is important?

How do I fight this battle?

Spending more time with God vs. spending more time in the stores.

The weapon of the war?

PRAYER and being equipped with a dose of truth.

Praying continually becomes a possibility, a reality, the holiest and most blessed part of our holy and blessed fellowship with God.

We no longer live for ourselves but...
we live for Christ. For the baby we celebrate.

Sometimes I talk to myself and shout out "Dah, this season is not for you. Not for me to be the champion gift giver. It's for Jesus!"

The birth. The baby. The true meaning. The manger. God himself. God with us.

God gave us the gift of himself. That was the very first Christmas. His PRESENCE NOT HIS PRESENTS.

The world will be changed forever if we focus on the gift giver and his presence.

God with us.

"Behold and the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel" (which means, God with us.)"

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