Tuesday, November 15, 2016


I was trying to eradicate the negative thoughts by shear willpower. It helped a bit but I was not feeling free.

Praying all my thoughts to God asking for renewal, rest and reassurance only then did I begin to sense a power to overcome.

It is continuous...

Surrender, giving my thoughts to him (Phil. 4:8 my thoughts), renew (Romans 12:2), asking Him to guard my mind (Phil. 4:6).

He is a promise keeper.

I picture a guard at the gate of where thoughts begin and there He is whispering not that one, it's a lie, how about this one instead, for I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.  I can, I can do it! Can you?

Concentrate now, it begins with complete surrender. To know Him is to love Him. To love Him is the beginning of understanding...relief...help.

Have you really given it to Him? That's a good question to ask yourself.
Begin now:
Father I'm struggling. You say you can show me how to be renewed, rested and reassured. Show me. Thank you Lord. You find me just as I am. I am waiting. I am watching. I am ready. In Jesus name. Amen.

I am changed by your love. Not by my might but by your Spirit. I receive this healing now. You know asking for more faith is healing. This is true healing. Forever!!

Part of the process for Peter, who denied Christ three times, was that like you and  I he thought he could make things happen with his shear will power.
The revelation for Peter was seeing the risen Lord once again knowing full well. This is God. This is the great I AM. This is the one. The one we were waiting for. Knowing it deeply once and for all. It clicked! It changed the trajectory of his life. He now knew I can't but HE CAN!
Depleted of self and full of Him. Great love, great power!
Can I shout it from the rooftop!
Not yet! But I sure look forward to the day. The day when there will be those that listen. Listen to the lover of our souls.
For today if you are choosing to read this. I pray your soul is skipping a beat with me. It is exciting to realize that HE CAN. He is a PROMISE KEEPER.

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