Monday, September 25, 2017


'My mom or dad don't listen. My teachers don't listen. My friends don't listen. My grandparents don't listen. My boss doesn't listen. Really! Does anyone listen? Then one day I heard about this guy Jesus. I was told He listens. I read this story about this blind guy Bartimaeus who was sitting along side a crowded road. Among the crowd he heard Jesus was there so he cried out "Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me! Jesus stopped and said "Call Him! A disciple called him "Take heart. Get up; He is calling you." Jesus said "What do you want me to do for you?" And the blind man said "Rabbi, let me recover my sight." Jesus said "Go your way; your faith has made you well." Bartimaeus knew very little but he heard this guy Jesus listens so He asked.'

A young High School student did the above five minute talk to a small group, when done He asked, "Who listens to you?" At different times in His life He felt that no one was listening but still considered praying and he began to see Jesus makes changes in His life. He made the connection that Jesus really does listen. Even the disciple said "Take Heart". They knew He came to the right person. He turned His attention and heart over to the right guy, Jesus.

Are you struggling right now or do you just need someone to listen? Have you tried asking Jesus to listen?

Prayer: Jesus are you there, it's me and I need to know you are listening. Help me with............or I am feeling help me........Amen.

Just try....see what happens. Jesus said "I know what you will ask even before you ask it." Cool!

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