Wednesday, June 12, 2019


What am I longing for?
Well, to be honest if the question was, what food am I longing for I would definitely say "Filet Mignon"!
If it was TV show I would say this BBC MASTERPIECE show called Poldark!
If it was a movie I would say maybe a Spider Man Movie or a good Rom-Com!

We know Americans are obsessed with taking care of our bodies mmm sometimes our mind, but what about the soul?

The first time I realized who HE was. I felt remorse, joy, hope, loved, forgiveness especially peace!
I had missed those feelings. Lately...

When I ask to settle down, to honor Him, to be still...can I get quiet enough? I can and in fact those feelings of hope are here with me.

I felt a stirring in my soul as if I had read this passage for the first time.

Reading...I have full access to knowledge through my relationship with Christ.
Knowledge, understanding, wisdom, will of His, power, strength, able to live a life worthy of bearing fruit, according to His glorious might so that...I can have great endurance, patience and joyfully giving thanks to the Father...

this next part blows my mind because some have said of me, you are weak, she needs help, she can't do that on her own...

He says, "He has qualified me!" you know you are qualified?  The prayer to grow in this truth...Colossians 1.

The question comes...what am I longing for in my soul?


I am quiet...

My heart please you...I make that into a prayer! Lord I want to please you.

A soft whisper within me gives this reply.

Live a quiet life...mind your own business.

Where is that?
I have read it before.
I Google search it in the bible.
1Thess. 4:11-12
The theme of this chapter is...Teaching concerning development in orderly living.

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, SO THAT your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

Please God.

How does this pertain to my struggle.

I am qualified.
I have full access.
I will have the peace of God to lead me.

My prayer, will you pray with me.
my soul longs for you, thank you for qualifying me, thank you for the full access to you, lead me. Amen.

Our lives get entangled in so much. So many thoughts...questions like why are they doing that?...or why did they go there? Is it my business. Is this helpful questions or thoughts that I want to get entangled to?

If you catch yourself being more worried, anxious, feeling out of sorts...perhaps you aren't minding your own business.

I'm just sayin!

When we want to lead a peaceful life we (I'm talking to myself) we have to be CARE FULL!  We are care about our minds well being and we need to be cautious...Is it FULL of the right thoughts?

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