Thursday, August 8, 2019


Going through everything in my house was so tedious and exhausting. It was time to purge and clear, isn't the buzz word "Simplify"! (Truth be told as many of you know we moved.)  When I to the massive chest I had of photos, I began to slow down on my packing and reflect on the photos. Observing the many places I traveled and remember who I traveled with. Surprisingly, it was easy to throw albums out and pictures. I will not take the time to go through these 40 plus years of old pictures. I have been judged by others for throwing them may agree...let me tell you when I got to the photos that brought me the deepest joy...a soul heart soared...I raced out to find a way to organize them so that they no longer will be stashed in a box. It was kind of therapeutic.

Why am I telling you this?
The psalmist wrote, "These things I remember as I pour out my soul; how I used to go..." Ps. 42:4.
"I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds Ps. 77:11-12)."

The Psalmist chooses to remember Moses' flight from slavery to freedom, Joseph's release from prison to a high positioned job. God has always been in the business of helping all people feel loved and free.

The Psalmist journeyed through life expressing his emotions through his struggle and ending with the spiritual spin on things. Somewhere in the middle they remember what God said and did in the past and that helped them to come to the conclusion that they will trust God with the results just as the past followers did. 

So you see saving the inner circle deep remembrance photos and letting go of the rest is freedom.
The remembrance that is my imprint of growth. (growth unfortunately even in size...which always is fluctuating, you know what I mean). It's not throwing away photos to forget, it's just clinging to what brings me joy now. I am traveling lighter!

Beautiful people...through our journey we find out that freedom comes from trusting God. 

Take some time to reflect on theses beautiful truths.
"Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come Ps. 71:18)."

Prayer: Though there have been troubles, many bitter, Lord restore my life bring me up, comfort me once again. I praise you for your faithfulness, help me to tell of your righteous acts all day long. Amen.

Pass it on.

further quiet time needed? 

I recommend you listen to Remember by Lauren Daigle. 

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