Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Pictures of the three girls I had drawn represented FREEDOM. Freedom from the tyranny of urgency, peoples opinions of me, just like I was letting my hair down and flowing with life. The way I believe God wants me to live.

Wisdom way of learning for me is the Holy Spirit. Those nudges where you are on the right track, keep going. Or even keep waiting even though you aren't sure.
Leaning on His understanding is not always easy because I'm impatient and I want control. Learning to wait is hard! Is anyone tracking with me here? I'll say it again! Waiting is hard! Not having clarity in your path is hard. Yet God said when we lean on Him for understanding, He will make our path straight.

So I need, a God confirmation. Do you? A sign! Is He real! The Jews agreed with Jesus when they saw the miracle, signs and wonders. Do I do that? Jesus corrected them when they wanted that more than Him. When they couldn't just see Him for who He was without the miracles.

It is so cool though to see His presence in a situation when you really can't see Him physically.

I got a stirring before Christmas arrived. My Christmas prepping creeps up every year with such a delightful surprise. A word or catch phrase that resonates deep within my soul. So deep that everywhere I go it appears, like in a song or on a billboard or a note/text from a friend.
In the past Oh Holy Night, each day leading to Christmas was anticipation imagining that baby in the manger. Last year was Join the Triumph of the sky. My artwork has been correlating with the words. It usually starts with the Christmas card message and grows into my own personal love words to start the next year. The words grow into a question, how will we triumph for Jesus in the next year? I remember through the year the words rang true in my ear. When the enemies of life try to derail me God counter acts with a triumph. He trumps that downward spiral and never let's me fall, He makes my feet steady and we triumph together. Another triumph was when person acknowledges that Jesus is truth and they take Him as a friend. Jesus, a friend, yet God himself. The creator of that person who connects the dots. Jesus, the angels in heaven, those shepherds out in the field all TRIUMPH IN THE SKY. CELEBRATE! I pictured myself celebrating with the heavens as they worship Jesus.

The picture of the girl represents this celebration!

I was doing my scripture reading the word Light jumped out more than usual. Right there next to it quite frequently dark! THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! Jesus! People starting sending me verses with the word in it. Podcast appears where a pastor is revealing His word for the year, before he reveals I say , "Watch it's the word Light." Well, it was! I giggle of course it was! God wants to reveal himself. He doesn't stay hidden. He says we are without excuse if we believe He is not real, because he is all around us. A message I got texted to me this morning, "We met and prayed for you today. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men." John 1:4, Hallelujah for the Light!!! (three exclamation points)." Of course, she will never understand how much that meant to me. A message from God. I'm here!

I was praying God what should I do? My identity comes from you. I get that. Yet I am feeling a little dry over here. I had been taking my recent artwork with me while I visit with others. Got a text, "I would like to purchase some of your cards. A request to draw a new picture. Wow! I just asked in the past days, "What should I do?" My journey is continuing. Yet I still am very close to taking the control back. To rushing ahead in my own strength. Help! Do you do that? I keep getting that verse in my head, "But when you are tempted He will help you find a way out." Oh Jesus, thank you for rescuing me from myself.

A text from a friend "A big distortion in human thinking is if we have a calling it will be easy, there won't be obstacles."

Good grief, do I want it to be easy?! I am arrogantly confessing, yes! Waiting on God being empowered by God involves opposition from people and situations. The stories of God confirm this, remember?

John the baptist had God's approval, Jesus said, "there is anyone greater than John the Baptist." Yet some people were not excited about his work. People live by the paradigm that only certain people are qualified to do the work.

Moses, Nehemiah, Joseph, Daniel, most importantly Jesus, he was questioned, "By what authority are you doing these things?".

Jesus wasn't following certain mans plans and they didn't like it.

Desire to please God must be stronger than your desire to please men.

PRAYER:  Lord, equip me and help me not to fear. Help me to stand strong. Amen.

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