Saturday, December 26, 2020


The midday sun was blinding my eyes, yet, it was 32 degrees out. I delight in a walk where I can lift my face to heaven, relish the warmth and talk to God. I looked up and spotted a postman walking from a delivery at the neighbors door and he was limping.

I picked up my pace and asked with joy, "Is your ankle okay?" He said, "It's not my ankle it is my siatica!" Remembering the pain of my own siatica I declared, "Oh that can be so painful, what are you doing for it?" Calmly he said, "It will go away, I did some stretching and eating right (?, not sure how that helps, but oh, well)" I replied, "Icing it to death is the secret." To which he agreed he needs to go home and do that. 

As always a postman is in a hurry and I did not want to delay him in his work, I ended with, "I hope it gets better soon, I will pray it does", to which he just responded, "It will not last I did stretch." He seemed a little uncomfortable with the idea of prayer. He was cheerful and kind.

I promised a prayer so...Lord heal him...let him relate it to this incident and  lead him to a discovery of Jesus. Giggling with delight over the prayer...Lord make him a magnet to the things of Jesus. May Jesus sightings be much so that he will be like every since that lady said she would pray for me I keep hearing about prayer and Jesus. I pictured in my head...him running into all creative ways Jesus will get his attention. How this prayer will change his life. I am excited for him. I am not magical...I just believe in Jesus and the power of prayer. I trust God wants this more than I can imagine.

Before I knew it he passed me with a honk of his horn. 

Ask anything in my name and I will do it! John 14:14

Jesus go get him! Make him a magnet for you! Amen.

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