Wednesday, September 29, 2021


That willow tree and the purple flowers is so gorgeous.
It reminds me of my childhood when I would swing on the branches of tree. FREE! FREE! FREE!
I love this childhood memory, I picture me hanging on, run, leap and swing! Fun! Whee! (I could hold my weight back then and the branches could too!)    

I have to explain: I was on my bike ride and I had the choice to take the path left or right. You know I stopped and got teary eyed. I had decision to make and prayed and was not sure. I am sure you have done rationalized or reason that tends to confuse the decision. But in this moment I prayed and said, "God please just help me to go the right way which will bring me joy." Now I can't explain but I it was , "Go left." Then this beautiful scene appeared. I need to mention also I heard within me, "You will meet someone along the way." Sure enough right after this scene I met a man on the path. I told him my childhood memory of the willow trees. He looked as if someone had not talked to him in a while. Then he walked on...I questioned the small talk but then I knew just that small conversation made a difference for this man.
The human spirit need contact and small talk with others. It lifts up the spirit. I felt deep within me again that this happened for a reason and I will never know what the effects of that encounter would be. I leave that for God. I did meet another man who was working on his lawn. Small talk again. I have to say he had a long extension cord from his house out to the front of his lawn in which he could play his boom box. Yes! The news was on and it was reporting something I had been concerned about. Interesting Godcidence! I knew that was a sign to follow through with a phone call I was feeling prompted to make regarding that news report!

See God is working things together for those who love Him. According to HIs purposes. Wait. Listen. be quiet. If you are a follower you know deep down which way to go. Trust God with the promptings. Stop asking so many about what to do. Just do what you know deep down. Trust the Lord with all your heart. Let Him build your confidence. Then trust yourself.

the bible says:

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so."


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