Thursday, December 30, 2021



My word for 2021 was JOY! God in divine ways showed me that would be the word and he gave me a fresh message that confirmed over and over that would be the word for the past year. He even brought me to a point where I got a lovely puppy named JOY!


Now in this season he started showing me courage. It all started with the revelation from the word. Jesus said, “Be of good cheer or take courage”! When He revealed himself to the disciples in Mark 6:50. He took them from feeding the 5000 to saying, “get immediately in the boat.”  He removed them fast from going over (processing it over with those around) the miracle with the crowd where the reactions could have been all over the place. He wanted them removed. He had them get in a boat assuring them to go to other side. 

Immediately has emphasis in the Greek. Jesus the one who promises us peace did not take them to a peaceful situation. He took them to a STORM! They were terrified. They needed to remember the miracle that just occurred. Jesus was always in the business of discipling. Stretching them. Teaching them. Training them. He cared about their hearts. He saw that hearts. “Their hearts were hardened.”  

As we look throughout the Bible Moses, Joseph, Esther, Ruth…to name a few, had to have COURAGE=be of good cheer to get through tough times. We today must take the word as truth and not change it, progressively reinterpret it, rewrite it to fit our lifestyles. So dangerous. We must take courage and stand up for truth. We go through things and it brings us to be courageous. In 2022 the word is courage. I keep asking the Lord is that the word confirm it. It started rereading the boat story, to the example of faith Fathers (rereading their stories) to last night a conservative news corespondent blurted out very boldly, “Where is our courage? We need to have courage! He said, “The fraternal twin of courage is faith!”  I can’t make this stuff up. I watch, wait, listen for God to reveal what we must know. 

The other thing God is showing me is the Greek word “life” is Zoe. In 2022 we strongly must remember that we need zoe life. John 10:10. The thief came to steal and destroy, (Jesus did not come to steal, destroy) he came that we may have Zoe life, and have it abundantly. The first Adam was born with Zoe life and he gave it away by taking from the tree of knowledge. From that day forward all things God said would point to the return of Zoe life through Jesus Christ death and resurrection. Zoe life is all encompassing Jesus teachings, time, healing, forgiveness, and eternal hope. 

To live is to grow in His Zoe life. 

So I say at Christmas and celebrating New Year  we lift our glass and say, “Be of good cheer (courage), Zoe life in 2022”!

Love how God works. He is faithful to show himself true. 

Beware our hard copy bibles will be essential in the future. Because men  and women are trying to take out or rewrite what doesn’t fit their lifestyle. Explain it away with a narrative of cultural ancient context that will change the original narrative, of marriage, family, sin, salvation (many ways to heaven), control, virgin birth and heaven and hell. 

A women wrote me her article of courage on a day when I was being challenged. I needed courage. It was so timely. I heard in my head only the words of Jesus. Be of good cheer, courage! I couldn't think other thoughts but what I needed to be courageous. I had a peace that passes all understanding go through a tough time.

You are a women of the word. I remember a way the word JOY was confirmed. I was at church on January 3 rd. Walking around at a all church time of prayer where you find someone and you pray for each other a girl approached me and said she felt led to pray over me, I said “Oh I am Elaine and she said my name is JOY!” Lol! God is good!! I cried. I was humbled to tears and prayer! I can’t make this up. 

I believe more moments of courage will come. It will be a reminder of peace.

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