Wednesday, September 28, 2022


You are past one worry! Yah! Then it happens!

You feel the next one coming on, is this an addiction to drama?

Can you feel it?

Are you expecting there will be another? Maybe your mind is trained to just go on and begin to think of what's next. You don't even realize you are caught in this pattern of destruction, distraction, deception.

Friend, I am right there with you.

Let's talk to God about it today. Let's ask the Holy Spirit to stop this insane cycle.


Lord I am aware that my mind wanders from one thing to the next and it is all in the name of worry!

Lord I want to break the cycle. Help me that I can be truly FREE! Free from fears, worry, hatred, destruction, distractions, deceptions. Lord I am creeps in slowly, slyly. I sometimes don't even realize I am allowing it. Help me break this cycle! I want to captivate my thoughts in obedience to you. Thank you Lord. I want to hear from you. Amen.


Be free indeed. John 8:36

sin turns into death (not physical death but depression, anxiety) James 1:15

Do not worry. John 6:34

Captivate all types of thoughts in obedience to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

I take the worries.

Vengeance is His.

You draw near to Him; He draws near to you.

Fix your thoughts on Him and you will be in Perfect Peace.

Do not be anxious. Phil. 4:6-7 (don't forget to be thankful)

I suffered from the same temptations. Matthew 4:1-11

No temptation can over take you. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Friends when feeling like shame and guilt are setting in because of your admission, DO NOT LET.

Jesus said, "He was tempted in every way that we are being tempted." There is no shame in the realty of living this side of heaven.

Give yourself a break, talk to Jesus, let him handle the situation. You can't fix it in our own strength. Record now in your journal what verses come to mind about him fixing and helping you.

What comes to my mind right now is, "We can't imagine, it is immeasurable to know the help Jesus can give." Eph. 3:29 It actually says-abundantly, exceedingly, superabundantly, beyond what we can imagine. 

Is He a genie? No! But when you agree that some pattern of thinking you have been doing is not what He would want, He steps in and allows the Holy Spirit to come in and transform and renew your mind.

It is the work of the Holy Spirit. Allow the transformation to happen. 

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