Thursday, July 13, 2023


Poem #1

Think about what you are thinking!

If you do you'll be blinking!

And realize it's stinking thinking!

It's time to stop that stinking thinking!

Slowdown, sit down, quiet down!

Get down to the root!

Put your thoughts on mute!

You'll be glad, when you get rid of the sad!

You'll feel lighter and brighter!

Philippians 4:6-7

Poem #2

Stop move forward, toward the light 

it can be bright...but

He is worth the fight!

Jesus way is right!

He is so bright!

John 8:12

Poem #3

Now with all your might set your sight on what is right.

The golden rule is so cool...

"Do to others as you would have them do to you." Luke 6:31

Poem #4

If it pleases Jesus then its right!

You've got to be the light!

John 5:19

Poem #5 

Think about what you are thinking! 

Stop, plop, flop stinky thoughts!

This is your good mood food for the day! 

Romans 12:2

Poem #6

Everything will be okay!

Hang on! Hold on! Pray!

New answers will come your way!

Jesus will not lead you astray!

For He knows the way!

Just say, "Help me."

You will see

how you'll feel free!

John 8:36

Poem #7

There is more to life 

then all the strife.

Know Jesus, Know peace.

No Jesus, no peace.

1John 5:11

Poem #8

Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, 

admirable, excellent, praiseworthy

think on such things.

Philippians 4:8

You are loved by Jesus. 

Put these poems on sticky notes and stick them on a car window, bathroom mirrors.

Wherever! Encourage someone!

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