Sunday, September 10, 2023


 Good question!

Really good question!

Let me explain.

For me this question struck me and is continuing to work through my head to my heart.

It is my prayer to ask the Holy Spirit to examine me. Over the years people have scripted questions like What Would Jesus do?

This brought holy remorse to my heart. Have I been doing asking this too much? Don't get me wrong it's not a good question for some clear reasons but there needs to be balance.

I suppose you are looking back in this article wondering, "Did she state the question yet? If not, ask it already!"

Ok you asked, here it is:

Do you look for things that are wrong? Wrong with others in what they are doing or saying. Wrong in what things are going wrong in my life.? What feels wrong on my body?

It now begs the questions what do I see that is right? Right in others, right on my body and in things going on?

As I stated we have to improve, event planning needs the question what went wrong (so next time it can be better)? Debriefing is good, but when taken to an extreme, well, could that be a reason for the increase in depression and anxiety?


Then comes the call from the Apostle Paul wrote 2 Cor. 10:5 "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Critical spirit thoughts are included in this verse. Is that really what the label of =what is wrong?


maybe so if we are honest.

Let's pray about this:

Holy Father: I pray that I look for too much wrong. Critical. I repent of asking it too much. Help me to learn and see when this is operating in me. Help me to change and see things from the Spirit perspective. In Jesus name Amen.

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