Thursday, May 15, 2008

Time Out

Dear Friend:

Do you ever have days where thoughts are racing through your mind?

Things like:

Am I really doing enough?

Am I doing too much?

What if I do too much and get sick?

Am I doing what God created me to do?

I just don’t feel like I am making a difference?

This work I am doing is not fulfilling.

I got to do more.

Maybe if I just get a job.

How am I going to get everything done?

I have to be honest, I race some of these thoughts in my head. What a battle it can be.

So this morning I said to the Lord. Enough is enough! This head of mine has to stop! Understand this has been going on for a couple of days. Finally I am surrendering to God and saying “Time out.” What is the truth about all of these thoughts? Then I prayed.

Maybe you need to pray with me: Father in heaven great is your name. Lord help my anxious thoughts, bring peace to my spirit (taken from Phil. 4:6-7). I thank you for always being my God. Sorry for taking so long to come to you. Thank you that you know the plans you have for me and you will make them known. (Phil. 1:6) Just walk me through today. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

I think the title “TIME OUT” is so cute. I sense God talking to the 2 year old in me saying “Elaine you need a time out to sort with me. Come on now go in the corner and spend time with me. You are not being punished, but you are going to be refreshed.

So I am going into the corner for refreshment, do you need to go there to?

Being refreshed,


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