Friday, November 14, 2014


Dear Friend:

I found this so graciously comforting. I pray that you need this timely word like I did.

God said twelve times in Exodus 23 I will...

I will be an enemy to your enemies. (Now that's loyalty.)
I will oppose those who oppose you. (That's protection.)
I will bring you into the "ites" land. (That's safety.)
I will wipe them out.

Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water.

I will take away sickness.
I will give you a full life span.
I will make all your enemies turn their backs and run.
I will send my terror ahead of you.
I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive out the "ites".
I will drive them out before you.
I will establish your borders.
I will hand over the people who live in the land. 

The point is that he is loyal, protecting, bringing safety, turning things around, ending confusion and healing.

God never neglects us or abandons us. Do you catch yourself asking "Where are you God?"
The Israelites who just witnessed the parting of the Red Sea and received the Ten Commandments were asking the same question. I confound myself when I doubt. I have the bible full of God’s love and story yet I still ask “Why is this happening?”

Your thoughts that are opposing you or people who are trying to steal your position. Think about your circumstance today (journal them). After you make your list write and tell yourself "God is working things out, I must wait!"

Don't think for one minute God wants to oppose you. Quite the contrary! He wants to give you PEACE OF MIND.

PRAYER:  Father in heaven thank you for your willingness to rescue me. Renew my mind with this truth today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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