Sunday, February 5, 2017


She had to decide loyalty to the family, country, legacy and monarch. Queen Elizabeth had to forgo taking her husbands family name for her and her children. Loving a man and wanting to honor him and his legacy. Yet it was a code of conduct for the future. She chose the Windsor name and to leave her home and live at Buckingham Castle. It could not have been easy. There was risk involved. She could loose him.

Let me explain why I chose this story of Queen Elizabeth. When I watched this segment of her life on the TV show The Crown I saw that agony of a hard decision.

I liken this to my relationship to Jesus and the words His disciples wrote and left for me to read. At times reading His basic call to love seems so obtainable and easy. Taking His name and being adopted into the family of Jesus was meaningful but what about following what He says. It can be easy when people are easy to love but what about those who are not easy to love. Those that don't agree with Jesus. When Jesus asks us to sit and listen to spend time with Him to get to know His character all for the sake of Him rubbing off on me and then it gets easier to love the unlovable (those who don't deserve love).

Sometimes like Queen Elizabeth we just have to do the difficult we have to not make up our own story or truth but just live the truth of what Jesus says and asks.

We must be careful to take His whole word not just the parts that are easy to follow.  Accumulated sin not acknowledged blocks the flow of life and peace that God wants to grant you.

Study this book of instructions continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. Josh. 1:8

At night sometimes I awaken with my mind racing either from the day before or something to do the next day but it profits nothing to allow my mind to race. I begin to meditate on the word of the Lord. Like the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. I go over each word slowly "The Lord" what does that mean to me. "Is" right now and forever and always He is... "My" I personalize things...He is my friend..."Shepherd" my shepherd, what does a shepherd do, how does he care for His sheep (me), His promise. "I shall not want" nothing else matters, His promise to be my shepherd is priceless.

And then....I drift back to sleep...


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