Thursday, November 29, 2018


I turned and found four year old Anisa completely hidden underneath a straw basket. "Where is Anisa, where can she be?", I called out playfully! Four other little ones joined in where is Anisa?
Frolicking around we pretended as if we could not see her, until she popped out and screamed out, "Here I am!" It became a game of hide and seek, the whole nursery delighted in the fun!

Back up a bit.
Driving in that morning I was asking myself how I was going to get through the two hours of nursery time. 
Back up before that.
I was praying, I need to see your presence. Help me. I want to trust you more.

Then it happened.
Get this.
It was snack time. The kids sat around as I paged through the toddler devotion, it was November 29.
I verify that date. 

I start to read to the children, "Kaitlyn's cat found a good hiding place. Do you think anyone will find her?" I pause. MMMM. Didn't we just have a great time playing hide n seek, I asked the kids. Wait. look at this picture, it looks so similar to the basket Anisa hid in!. Wait! Wait! Being a little amazed, let me repeat we just played a hiding game in a basket. Are you getting this. Do you remember I came in this morning with two things on my mind.
One, I want to see you Jesus. I want more of you. I want to trust you.
Two, I want to get through the two hours and I had no agenda planned.

Let's continue reading this TODDLER/NOW MY ADULT DEVOTION...the Bible says that God is like a hiding place. He will protect us from trouble so that troubles cannot even find us. I ask the kids...what are your troubles...preciously they respond...someone taking their toy...getting in trouble from Mom and Dad...not getting what they want....etc.

The Bible verse: You are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. Ps. 32:7 NLT

At this point you are probably crying out to me, "Elaine, get to the point!" or Are you getting the point.
I will spell it out...
God answered so many said and unsaid things.
One...Elaine I exist...
two...Elaine I want to be there for you, help you... is your agenda for today, teach the kids about realize Jesus is protection...
four...come to me...Trust me...If a problem has a solution why worry about it?...If no solution comes at the moment why worry about it?...-Jesus-TRUST me!

Trust wins, therefore...
"Trust in the Lord with your whole heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV."

"This is what the Scriptures mean when they say, no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what GOD has prepared for those who love Him 1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV."

What does this mean for you. As you prepare for you next thing. We pray, we feel responsible for the results of things going on, we want to be in control of results, we get worried, anxious, worked up about things.

When we love Jesus, walk with Him, TRUST, we learn, we grow closer, we realize He can help, He is better at being in control than I am, He is God, thank God I am not.
Let's trust our days ahead to Jesus.

Dear God, you're like a hiding place, for you protect me and keep me safe. Thank you for protecting and guiding my next steps. Amen.

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