Friday, March 20, 2020

I'm not sure what day we are on in this Covid-19 but as I read the word so many things come to my mind. My family can not handle anymore of my stories in this time of lock down.
I went to open my bible and some of the pages were sticking. I had put a empty packet of honey in a bag with papers. The papers got drips of honey on them and then the papers got shoved into my bible, thus now the sticky pages.

Why am I writing this. Because over the past thirty of so years, when I am doing something, sometimes an analogy will pop in my head. I get over joyed about it but and want to share, yet I get a eye role from my kids (like we need another story, eye roll).

In this case I think of honey, google the word. That's what I've always done over the years. I look up words and their definition. Wow, if you google it and click on idioms used for the word honey there are so money like...honey do of milk and money, no honey.

But when I saw the honey I thought of sweet and sticky. That's what the bible is to me, sweet and sticky. I would go on to write a devo about HONEY. God wants the word to stick in our mind and it is so sweet. "Gracious word are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones Proverbs 16:24 NIV."

Another story:

I used a very old magnifying glass to see the smallest of print in my study bible. Ugh! I can't read it without it! I thought of my grandma using this. I remember after my grandma died I was standing in the nursing home, saying good-bye to the nurses and compiling her things to take with me. I remember that after Mother Theresa died they said they only had a bucket full of her possessions. That's it! Here I was saying good-bye and it was a bag full of stuff. In it was this magnifying glass. My grandmother went from not seeing well, to getting worse, to being legally blind. Well, that's depressing to think of, but my point is this, magnify the Lord, He is worthy to be praised. More of Him and less of the struggle. Singers Shane & Shane put it well its title Psalm 34-
Magnify the Lord with me, exalt His name together. So true. People lets do this! Lets praise the Lord in all times!

Stories make the world go round! It's time to listen people. Experiences, sharing, listening make others feel valued. Slow down, sit down, quiet down....i am going to add listen...listen to Jesus...let Him be magnified... let the stories of life unfold and enrich you. Be present is the saying these days. LISTEN.
What is Jesus saying in these times?
It's never changing!
He never makes up anything new.
We should not be surprised.

I am going through the book of John right now. My observation so far for chapters 1-4
Jesus was in the beginning and everything is made by Him. In Him we have life and when we believe we receive His grace and truth.
His life brought light to everyone.
He helps us see truth. Because of grace, we receive blessing after blessing.
Jewish baptisms were for ceremonially cleansing of  the Jews. Jesus baptism is a symbol of His death, resurrection and knowing who the son of God is.
The Spirit came of Jesus at His baptism. Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit. John, "He is the son of God."

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