Wednesday, March 18, 2020


In this time of unrest, you may feel restless!

Restless-unable to rest or relax as a result of anxiety or boredom. Which is it for you anxiety or boredom.
I'm turning off the news and letting the people who are in charge figure this crazy days out.

My commitment right now is to sit down, quiet down, calm down and learn from this.

I landed on a passage of scripture and as I read it, I thought what if someone today just sits down and declares, "I have the time, I'm finally going to read my bible." Panic sets in with a question, "Where do I begin?"

It was Luke 5 for me.
1. I  prayed God help me to learn something, understand something, realize something.
2. Read it through and then I went back because something caught my eye.
Maybe something didn't happen for you? What to do?

Here are some questions to ask:
a Who are the characters in the story?
b.What is Jesus doing?
c.What are the others doing?
d. How do they react to what is going on? How were they feeling when Jesus encountered them?
f.  What was Jesus' reaction to their reaction?
g. Who is Jesus to me?
h. When I'm in a situation what do I do?
i. What can I learn from their reaction and what can I do different in the future?

What stuck out for me was, "Why did Jesus say, "Don't be afraid?"
Why did they need to be calmed?

I feel really like a reporter digging around the story to understand it. Then I am trying to understand why read it and how can this help me?

Let's do this together.
The characters: Jesus, Simon Peter, Simon's companions, John and James (sons of Zebedee).
What were they doing when Jesus came on the scene?  Simon and his friends worked all night fishing and caught nothing, they were cleaning their nets.
What must they have felt after the long night? overwhelmed, fearful, discouraged, lacking hope. Not only did they feel emotional they would have also been tired, and their bodies physically worn out.

They maybe saying: "I need the work, I need the fish to sell...they may take it to the next step...if we don't have money we can't eat, we can't feed our family, we can't pay the bills. And then ask...what will happen if we can't pay the bills...the final doom and gloom of their story could be we will starve and we will loose everything! Yikes!

Have you ever done this?
Right now are you overwhelmed, bored from lack of activities, fearful, scared, discouraged, impatient, lacking peace and hope? Put your circumstances in your feeling words. Right your story right now.

Jesus comes on the scene and what does he do? He walks in peace. Why? Because He is God, He knows the end of the story. Yes, he has an advantage. But what we must know that when Jesus (who is always on the scene with us) is with us; things are calmer, more peaceful. Reading God's stories and living them out gives us the assurance that peace is with us. Jesus represents peace.

Let's get back to the story! Did Peter get interrupted? Yes. Does Simon know Jesus prior to this? How does Peter react to this disruption? Did Peter make excuses like, "Jesus I am cleaning my nets, I've been out all night?"  I'm pretty sure if a stranger showed up Simon would not listen to them. But he  honors Jesus request to take him a little from the shore. It indicates Simon knew Jesus before. So Peter even tho he is exhausted, listens. Pause. Do you listen when you are tired or weak?  Just sayin!

Pause a question pops in my head? What does Jesus teach? In this case the other Gospel's have documented this story. Matthew, Mark and John have there version. All similar but each add or do not include every detail. Matthew 4:18-22 does not tell Jesus taught. But after that incident he does say Jesus went on teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom. Right before the incident he preaches, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near Matt. 4:17b." Mark gives the short version like Matthew. John's version is very insightful to add to Luke's story. (John 1:40-42) It states that Simon was with Andrew (I forgot to mention that the other versions mention Andrew was with Simon) and they heard what John had said prior, "Look the Lamb of God." They emphasize another very important things we too should ask ourselves. Are we looking right now, do we see, and  when we see do we listen? John says, "Look!"

What does Simon say in the John version? "We have found the Messiah, (that is, the Christ). Then Jesus says, "Follow me!"

They all leave their "stuff" and follow Jesus!

Let's get back to the Luke version.

Jesus asked Simon to take a little way out so he could teach.
Jesus sometimes asks even more of us. Pay attention. In this case it was to reveal more about Himself to the boys.
Luke 4:4, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch."  What does that mean for the boys.
1. dirty their nets again.
2. move the boats to the deep. GO DEEPER! When we go deeper we SEE more!
3. trust
4. not question
5. have faith

Peter could not help himself tho? What does he say before he goes out deep? the you but?...but I worked all night...but we tried... but I'm doing all I can...
Does Simon stops and catch himself? Yes! Thank goodness Simon says, "But because you say so, I will let down the nets Luke 5:4."  Next, they catch alot of fish.

How does Simon respond? He fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" What is this reaction? He realizes who he is talking with. God!
What does His companions do? They are astonished=amazed, impressed!

How does Jesus respond to their reaction? "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." They must have looked scared.  Like, "You want us to work for you?"

Conclusion: Simon went from being overwhelmed to wonder. He realizes he is unworthy and sinful. Despite them catching their big load of fish, they make a life changing decision, they drop everything and go catch people!

Very worth job.
What about you?
You are overwhelmed.
Seek God.
When you seek; act on it. Is it ok to have reactions? Yes! The disciples sure did, yet Jesus was patient with them.

Jesus is always there for us.
Jesus loves us like a Father loves his child.
Jesus seeks us and wants a relationship with us.
Jesus works things out the way He sees fit.

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