Friday, July 15, 2022


 I am not trusting in myself to accomplish and be each day, but I believe that with Christ I can accomplish what I was born to be and do. 

To be.

To do.

Two different things.

To be is to know and love Jesus and rest in that alone.

To do flows out of that love and rest.

It is a balance.

I pray that I will sense when I am off balance of these things. Do you ever want to rather than wait and rest as God asks of us. Liking the results more than just being, existing in union with Christ. God gets that we like to do because that generates an accomplished feeling, after all He created us and understands. Yet, His plan was not feeding our ego because of our accomplished efforts. Jesus is my all and all and He is enough.

After all I declare that God did not give me a Spirit of timidity but of power, love and sound mind.

This truth that I declare out loud does give me strength. 

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth:  It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

The word accomplish brings me strength. God is saying He will do what He needs to do. His word is powerful and true. God will do something, sometime, somewhere because His concern is that would perish. NONE! Let us focus on the accomplisher who will accomplish.

This is a extra thought of mine:

The church can be trampled over today because it is divided. We will be stronger and courageous because of unity.

Be faithful here. Glorify God!

Let's pray:

God help me to listen and wait on you!

Be faithful and obedient no matter how tough it gets.

We will triumph for it is He who will accomplish much. 

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