Monday, July 25, 2022



When a verse that comes to your mind, are you asking if that is from God or just an implusive kind of default response that you trained yourself to do? Where did that thought come from?


you say a swear word, you hear a swear word, or when talking about someone behind their back, complaining...whatever have a check in your Spirit.

You hear in your head, "Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth."

What do I do with that, do I dismiss it? Do I look it up?

Sometimes I dismiss, or I make a mental note maybe I should look that up.

Getting to it...addressing it! I answer eventually I'll look it up. 

If you are saying to yourself, "I have no passion for God, like this excitement, or I don't hear from Him." 

My question to myself, "Are you listening"?

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Eph. 4:29

Then pray and ask, "Lord is this verse for me? Do I need to repent? What do I do with it?"

I go to the verse highlight it anew. Sometimes my verses are already highlighted, but that's ok, I get another colored highlighter and mark it again. Sometimes I put a date with a key word next to it. God wants to reveal something new. 

Is unwholesome thoughts or just swear words or talking about someone? Listen and learn. 

Friends, I am asking myself, "Am I serious about being led in joy, peace, strength of Jesus"?

This only enriches the relationship with Christ. It's like you picked up the phone to talk to a friend. Each time I don't question why a verse popped into my head, it's less time to hear from Jesus and spend time with HIM.

If you are tired and worn out, maybe it's because we aren't really listening. 

For your dog lovers here is an analogy of what I am trying to point out. Picture your dog following you all over and you are ignoring him/her. My excuse I am hyper-focused, really doing something. Honestly, I am working in my own strength, Just today I heard in my head, "I am following you sit for a moment with me. Just like your dog, I am trying to get your attention."! 

This time I sat down, quieted down...finally looked up the verse that has been popping in my head.

I realize it's for me and I pray about it!

Give it to God, address it, repent.

Will you pray with me:

Father, you are calling me, you are loving me, you want to spend time with me, yet I still keep going. Forgive me for doing this. I want to be your faithful servant. Thank you God for never giving up on you. Help me! Amen 

My DOG, GOD spelled backwards is calling me! Be quieted, sit still, respond, repent...whatever God is saying, respond.

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