Tuesday, February 27, 2024


 Another, Another, and there is another!

Therapy clinics line up along the major roads as I drive down the main street near my home.

Many Children therapy clinics have popped open recently. I use the word popped, it's just so many since covid. I know the increase of anxiety, depression, stress, burnt out, overload, and exhaustion. It's all real but I have to say, I myself in my twenties, thirties have been twisted up with the above.

The word therapy an approved service that clinics are have waitlists to get into. My mom born in 1938 lived in times where therapy was possibly a bad word. Life was so full of secrets and keeping hush about it the way of the world.

I am not writing this to debate the effectiveness of therapy. I have seen the greatness of both sides of therapy. 

I am writing from my own personal journey where my life has been transformed by replacement therapy, a termed that I blurted out while chatting with friends about my experience.

replacement; the action or process of renewal.

I referring to my thought life. When I really began to THINK ABOUT WHAT I AM THINKING.

John 14:26 states, "But the Counselor (capital C) the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."

I poured out my heart and asked God to help me with my anxious thoughts, panic attacks. I heard the whisper in my soul as I was sitting at the kitchen table. "You will be healed, you won't know how long it will take, but learn as much as you can along the way." So the time to heal began and with God I was determined to see it through.


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