Thursday, December 4, 2014


I prayed today "God I need my own personal sign from you that you're here with me."
I kid you not!
I was driving on a main street suddenly I was interrupted by a gaggle of geese as I hurried to meet my daughter for lunch... irritated as I didn't want to wait for them to saunter across the street. I took a deep breath. Could this be the sign? many geese...1.2.3...12. Of course!

A still small voice...twelve followed me closely...they went back and forth asking questions the end they resolved to know that I (Jesus) existed...just like the geese they were out of place at times...they stood out...they felt awkward like they didn't belong...yet they believed and followed me. Take the time. The interruptions...being present...being in the moment they are all worth it!

I'm going on with my day resolved to keep seeking, keep trusting...Christ will interrupt our lives at any moment to show himself to us. As you prepare for Christmas will you allow for the interruption of Jesus.

Father thank you for caring enough to give me a sign. 

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