Wednesday, January 6, 2021



I was overdue the baby was not coming! I listened to all the wives’ tales like wash the floors on your knees, go for frequent walks, have everything ready for the birth-suitcase packed...

I was nesting!


To me nesting means-it’s my space, my baby is coming, and I have to cover every possibility. Everything must be ready and perfect! (grocery shop, housework done, floors clean, babies bag packed, my bag packed, laundry done) That way NOTHING, can go wrong! When you have other children, and a baby is coming it gets worse. You nest for them and of course, your husband. I would think of everything the children will want need. Nest! Did you ever hear your mother or grandmother say, "Oh, you are nesting?" They declare it and give others some kind of "know it all glance"!

The glance it states that you've got it, almost like a disease, get out of her way or you may suffer her tidying up wrath! I nest when we are going on trip, does everyone have all the comforts of the world so I don't have to hear complaining! Help!


The hidden secret you are nesting is not a secret at all. Everyone walks on eggshells. The nester says its hormones.


As a nester myself I will admit it's control (or lack thereof), anxiety, perfectionism, performance orientation (look at me I am the best mom ever, I think of everything.)


Dads can get into nesting too! Don't think that it is a hormone thing and it's a women thing!


Friends, I catch myself nesting for the Holidays, but it's not in anticipation for the baby Jesus. It is for my sake of looking good in front of the guests.


What is the remedy for this "Nesting" problem?


I am so aware of this weakness; I have decided to put myself in "TIME OUT." Yep! just like we put our children in time out.


But at my age TIME OUT doesn’t look like a two-year-old (hopefully) I look like a child of God poor in spirit, in need of refreshment (I don't mean a glass of wine) I mean time out with God. Just as Jesus went off quite frequently and sought God the Father.


I start out with a confession, "Lord I am caught up in perfectionism, control.... blah, blah, blah. Help me! God seriously, help me. I got the thing again.... yeah, nesting.... help me slow down, sit down, quiet down to hear from your soothing words. I will put a worship song on three times. Yes, three! It takes three times. I love going to time out! Kari Jobe has a 22-minute worship set that is out First Love, Embers, Blessing or Obsession...any of them.


If you will allow me to use the following words...It's like getting a spiritual valium. I have had it before an outpatient procedure and well it works! 


Beloved friends, confession, picturing myself kneeling at the cross or sitting on Abba Father's lap help me to be in a posture of receiving. I am never feeling condemned to visit the Father....I am over joyed. I am going to HIM, PERFECT LOVE.


Try it, you will like it!


"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trails of many kinds...James 1:2.


Friend you do not have to do it all on your own! 


Consider it joy to have a friend in Jesus for a fresh encounter, reverse the trajectory of where you were going. Going with Jesus the one who represents perfect love, my joy keeper, in his presence is a place where you don't want to leave. You hang on every word He says, I cannot explain it. You just have to go into TIME OUT. 


Let us begin to redefine time out, you are going to creator, lover of your soul. It is a teachable, refreshing wonderous moment that will never, I mean never wasted.


Prayer: Take me there Jesus, take me there...speak over me...put IT all into perspective.




Add it to my nest. 


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