Wednesday, March 1, 2023


The rain was pelting the windshield and the wipers were ferociously trying to keep up as I drove to school. As I set up my classroom the chaplain came in to pray for our day,  he prayed, "God you got this day. I am reminded today as the rain was pelting down on my window yet the were keeping up so I can I liken that to you Lord. You are like the windshield wipers that helps me see in life. We need you Jesus so we can see and respond like you. Amen."

It comes to my mind everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.

Meaning that when we learn things like boundaries, love languages, personalities, enneagrams, codependent no more, amygdala/brain processing patterns, social intelligence, being vulnerable/authentic is not all beneficial unless it is put against the word of God.

Sayings like speak your mind, follow your heart, stick up for yourself all have to be in context of the of what Jesus taught. 

I am finding many of us who call ourselves Christians being more concerned about learning these things. 

Recently I heard someone asking about teaching their children to obey them and wanting them to have relationship with friends. If a child is not taught from OT to NT what God said to pass down and teach while we walk and talk with our children they won't understand how to do these things.

They won't know the answer to the question are relationships important, how many, what constitutes a good friendship. I have seen us race to a book and what did she or he say about parenting or teaching our kids friendships. What about just starting with a prayer like God you gave me these children, guide me with your wisdom of how to parent them. What do you want me to read in the bible? How important are relationships with my children and other children. Stop, listen. Ask God to show you in scripture what to read to your children.

How about 1 Samuel 17- David's dad, Jesse, sends him to give food to his brothers. That gives evidence that if Jesse did not instruct David, David would not have gone to kill Goliath. Read on to see that David had built inside of himself experiences with God that gave him the courage to not listen to his rude brothers making fun of him instead He listened to God. If he let people get to him, he would not have killed Goliath. What are we directing our kids to build inside of them. Friendships with the world or Jesus? Folly creates folly. Same as underdeveloped minds talking to underdeveloped minds may not be very beneficial. They need you parents, they need know what Jesus opinions of them and that it  matters. Show them how to find God's will for their lives. Read Psalm 139, Romans 12:1-3, Proverbs 3:5-7. Do word studies, where is the word children in the bible-Moses taught the Israelites what to say to their children. Leave markers of God sightings by writing stories in their diaries or journals. Have them pray about the will of God in obedience and friendships. Teach them to be present with the Lord. Impress the importance of what Jesus says if they do these things they will be directed which way to go. 

There is so much to teach them from the bible.

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