Friday, March 13, 2015


God said "That He works all things together for the GOOD of those that love Him."

So I am praying as I go to the Doctor "God I'm in pain. I need this Dr. to tell me clear things of how to help me. Don't let wasted words come out of her mouth. Let it be things I need to hear so I can get better."

I get there and sit down and the Dr. states very matter of fact "This is GOOD that you have this situation now at your age because as you get older if it was to occur it is so much harder to fix and sometimes we can't." You see my bad habits of posture etc. contributes to this daily down swing in my back. So I am strong enough now to correct and make changes.

Hello! People did you see she said GOOD! I am looking for the good. Are you?

My other Dr. that I see regarding this said the same thing! ?"This good that you are slowing down and resting and taking care of this problem. I find out this Dr. is a Christian and she says on top of all this good news "I have been praying for you. I have homework for you. Go. Go out and hit some tennis balls. (I have played tennis all my life.) God has a message for you." My reaction is tears of joy. Not only has God directed to me this Christ follower. She was in my insurance plan. She was the only Dr. offered to me. I had no choice. But God had a choice. He had a plan. He directed my path. He faithfully is walking with me. He is my refuge and my rock. He guides me. He is my shepherd.
When a lamb is wounded He takes care of Him. He nurtures Him. He restores Him.

My God wants to restore me. He is caring for me. Humbly I cry and and so elated to sense Him all around me.

I go play tennis and that story is even more amazing.

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