Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Wanting more hours in a day? Unavailable time.

The tyranny of urgency.

Everything in my world today seemed urgent.

My attitude is "Get it done." Now I mean.
My grandson said to me "Lets get these Christmas decorations done."

I stopped. Paused. Got quiet. I was reminded.
Isn't it just like us to take on the pressures, loose our focus and the result...loose peace, joy.

Of course at this time we get caught up and boy oh boy we struggle to turn off the urgent.
If you don't slow down, sit down and quiet down it happens...

I love this "Be still and know that I am."
Remember Moses asked "Who should I say you are?" God replied say "I am". He is I am.

Try this:
Eliminate words from your vocabulary like...
hurry, I should, I could, I would...remember there is good and evil in the world.
The evil wants you to feel pressured. Our mind is what could sap all our energy.
Take time to pray. Give it all to God. Even your shopping list, school work and exams.
Ask yourself "Is this really urgent?"
Replace the urgent by repeating "My hope is in the great I am."

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