Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Life in college can be very difficult my friends. We’re away from family and figuring out who we are and what we find our identity in. It’s so easy to get swept up into schoolwork or other things in our lives. We get into our schedules and routines and run from place to place. Our time is filled and it’s hard to remember to take breaks, take a breath and focus on our God. It’s the easiest thing in the world to focus on everything we have to do, the stresses in our lives, money, or family/friend problems.
            I was sitting in my bed one day and opened up my bible to Genesis. There’s a story about Jacob after he left home because he was going to find a wife and Esau was angry with him for stealing the blessing intended for him from their father. Jacob was alone and wandering, he was lost and in a dark place. He used a stone as a pillow and slept. I don’t know about you guys, but that sounds like a low point to me. But he dreams about Heaven and angels and the Lord looks down at him and promises to watch him and tell him that he will always be with him. The thing that stuck out to me was what Jacob does next, he wakes up and thinks to himself, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it. How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven” Genesis 28:16-17.
            What a simple and life-changing way to think. When all is going wrong, when you are making mistakes and you feel alone and tired, God is there. How different would we live if wherever we went and whatever we did we thought, “Surely God is in this place”. When I read these words I was overcome with joy. I knew that God promised to always be with us, but for Jacob to be in the place he is and to think about how awesome it was only because God’s presence, is very beautiful. 

            I challenge you to carry these words around with you when life gets busy, hard or seems mundane. Whatever is going on, to simply remember that the God of the universe is with you and you are on holy ground, I think if we thought like this that we would live differently and make different choices. 

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