Tuesday, November 28, 2017


"This is a marination song. Marination song is a song that does not have a lot of content, but when repeated over and over it gets absorbed in your mind and soul," explained the worship leader. I googled, marination song, asking, is this a made up thing by the singer or did he get it from another source. It was not a headline topic but there was a comment made, marinating, implies listening to a series of a songs or song that reflections your current mood.

I personally think when I look at raw chicken...boring, blah...! I have no appetite for it! Yuck! I would skip cooking that chicken...get lazy and grab for fast food. BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!

Googling marinate:  marinating 101 popped on my news feed. One of the easiest ways to flavor food is to marinate it. Depending on the meat it can take from one hour to a overnight soak to really get the meat to absorb the flavor. You know when you savor the taste of marinated meat; it is oh so good. One chef would say the longer it is marinated the better it would taste. Yum, yum, give me that marinated chicken.

I love this analogy! A marination song! What is your marination song? Lately, for me, the new worship song called  Reckless Love. I take each word into consideration. Absorb it! Let it marinate! It comes from "But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you'll have it forever, real and eternal" (John 12:25 MSG).
To really marinate it I look up the scripture in other versions. Then I paraphrase it (absorb it) so I can relate it to me.  Here's what I came up with:  If I love  a worldly life on earth it will eventually just end in death. That's it! But if If I let the worldly go, and I fall in reckless love with Jesus I gain a new life perspective, where I become concerned with pleasing God, in essence I gain deeper meaning (zest for life all with Jesus) and will keep that meaning with me for all eternity.

The song really wants us to understand, no matter what God will chase after us for always. Is God foolish or irresponsible to leave 99 sheep to go find the lost one? He risks it all! That kind of reckless love is amazing, enduring, confident, trusting, passionate, and steadfast. We become reckless...it doesn't always make sense...but we follow it.

Pray with me:  God please give me some of that reckless love so I have it for others. Amen.

Find your marination song, savor the joy you receive from it!

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