Sunday, December 30, 2018


"I am going to the wolves", I bellowed out! Then everyone that was home who heard me roared back laughing and asking, "Why do you go there?" Let me explain. Walmart, stores that are very crowded and exude much commotion is the wolves. This experience when I feel unable to focus and there is chaos all around me. It is crazzzyyyy! I still go tho! My point is not to explain to you why I go into the wolves.
I going willing.
I know others that absolutely will not subject themselves to places like what I am describing. I can't get them to go!

Yet, Jesus said to his disciples, "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves" Matt. 10:16 NIV).
The title in the bible where this is found is The Program Announced. You know Jesus was completely honest in this chapter. Full disclosure of the future.

Men will hand you over and flog you. Really? Flog you where in their synagogues. In church?
You will be brought before governors and king. Arrested?
Jesus assures them, "But by the Spirit of your Father speaking through you" (Matt. 10:20 NIV).
They will know what to say and when to say it, that's called "Speaking Off the cuff".

Why do we share our faith at all if we take a chance of being attacked by wolves?
The love of Jesus is so strong that we ask to hold hands and walk, talk, learn from Him all with extemporaneous circumstances.

He goes on to explain why we should go.  He says three times do not be afraid, but be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
It is pretty deceptive of those wolves who want to partner with you and they can create some pretty good benefits along the way in this life, but forfeits turns around unconcerned for your soul in the after life.

The wolves of Walmart being compared to the those that oppose you and do not except you for being a Christ follower. Mmm, quite similar I would say.

Pick up your cross, follow Jesus, and certainly you will not lose your reward.

This is "The program of the King".

This is just an observation I made as I am reading through the gospel of Matthew. As I have read through the gospel I have been drawing some pictures with scripture here is the wolf and sheep.
We can ask the same questions that my family asks when I say, "I'm going into the wolves? (Walmart)" God fully disclosed hardship the disciples would encounter, how did they still go, why would they sign-up for that? I am in awe of their courage! I love in the Jewish culture at that time that some really watched for the signs of the Messiah and knew the words of the prophets so well, that when Jesus walk up to them and spoke...they divinely went with Him.

Friends, the loving arm Jesus extends out to us is so powerful. I am sure that they had trouble verbalizing it themselves, but simply put...the just followed.

Lord give us the strength, faith, courage to believe. Pray now for yourself and others who need more of Jesus.

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